The BJP spokesperson, Sambit Patra, slammed the Aam Aadmi Party after conman Sukesh Chandrasekar claimed in a letter to Delhi LG VK Saxena that crores were demanded and paid by him for a key position in the AAP in south India.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sambit Patra slammed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday, alleging that Delhi minister Satyendar Jain, imprisoned in Tihar Jail, is a close friend of conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar.
Patra claimed that Jain, who led the jail ministry in 2017, had regular meetings with Chandrasekhar in Tihar Jail. According to the BJP leader, Jain's secretary told the conman that he needed to pay Rs 2 crore protection money every month for basic facilities inside the prison.
Sukesh Chandrasekhar is a conman who runs a criminal syndicate. According to the BJP spokesperson, one runs a crime syndicate from inside the jail, while the other runs it from outside.
Sukesh Chandrasekhar is the thug, and AAP is the 'maha thug,' Patra said, referring to Arvind Kejriwal's political outfit.
The AAP has established itself as a thug party. Arvind Kejriwal recently said Satendar Jain deserved a Bharat Ratna, Patra said, referring to the AAP national convenor.
The BJP spokesperson criticised the Aam Aadmi Party after Sukesh Chandrasekar claimed in a letter to Delhi LG VK Saxena that crores were demanded and paid by him for a key position in the AAP in south India.
In the letter, the conman accused Jain of threatening him through the Director General of Prisons and jail administration to withdraw a high court complaint.
In his letter, Chandrashekhar wrote, "I have been imprisoned since 2017, and I have known Mr Satyendar Jain of AAP since 2015, and I have contributed more than 50 crores to AAP on the promise of giving me an important post in the party in South Zone, as well as helping me to be nominated to the Rajya Sabha following the expansion."
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