Donating Blood is the best way to save lives emphasises Dr. Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Limited

"You don't have to be a doctor to save a life: Just donate blood," says Dr Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Limited

Donating Blood is the best way to save lives emphasises Dr. Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Limited-vpn

“You don’t have to be a doctor to save a life: Just donate blood.”

On the occasion of World Blood Donor day Dr.Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Limited remarked, Blood is the elixir of life which is constantly circulating in your body. It carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carries away carbon-di-oxide and waste products for disposal. It also plays also an important part in protecting the body from harmful microorganisms by carrying protective blood cells and antibodies. It also helps in regulation of body temperature.  

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What are the components of Human blood?

Dr. Santosh Datar from Ziqitza explains the various components of Human Blood:

Red blood cells – which carry oxygen to cells and carry back carbon-do-oxide for disposal
White blood cells – Which protect the body from infections
Platelets – which play a role in clotting of blood.
Plasma – which is liquid portion of blood and contains water, sugar, fats, antibodies, blood factors which help in clotting, hormones and other essential chemicals, is what the doctors at Ziqitza commented.

Who needs blood transfusion?

The observations by Dr. Datar from Ziqitza remarked, the patient may need blood transfusion in various conditions such as Acute blood loss – due to injury or during surgery, severe anaemia, severe burns, low platelet count – due to various reasons including infections e.g., dengue, abnormal red blood cells and lack of blood clotting factors in blood.

How Blood transfusion can save a life?

The blood we donate is rarely now given as whole blood. It is divided into several components by highly sophisticated machines in the blood bank. 

•    RBCs are transfused in case of acute blood loss, in surgery or to treat severe anaemia.
•    Platelets are given in case of very low platelet count to prevent bleeding
•    Plasma is transfused to patients to treat shock due to plasma loss from burns or massive bleeding or severe infections
•    Cryoprecipitate is transfused in case of deficiency of blood factors which are crucial for clotting

Thus, one bottle of donated blood can save many lives remarked by Dr. Datar from Ziqitza.

Who are eligible to donate blood?

Any healthy adult between the age of 18 to 65 years and weighing 45 kilos or more can donate blood. Men can donate safely once in every three months while women can donate every four months. Ziqitza Rajasthan & Ziqitza limited Rajasthan use to organize blood donation camps periodically to encourage blood donation in the state.

However Dr. Santosh Datar from Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd (ZHL), ask people to be cautious about the fact that prior to blood donation the donor is examined by a doctor and person with certain medical conditions are not accepted for blood donation. The blood donated is tested for infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, Syphilis and Malaria. If tested positive for these diseases, the blood is destroyed.

What should I do if I want to donate blood?

•    Blood can be donated at any authorized blood bank or in organized camps
•    Eat well before you go for donation
•    Carry all your medical reports if any with you
•    Follow the instructions given by blood bank officer post donation 

Busting some Myths about blood donation

Dr. Santosh Datar from Ziqitza would also like to diffuse some myths about Blood Donation inorder to encourage people to donate blood responsibly:

•    Blood donation is not painful except for prick of the needle
•    Donating blood does not weaken your immunity system
•    There is no risk of infection as sterile equipment is used for collecting blood
•    There is enough blood left in the body as what is collected is a small percentage of your total circulating blood
•    There are no long-term health hazards due to blood donation. There are many people who regularly donate blood and they are healthy

Blood cannot be created artificially. If someone donates, someone gets it. In India, there is huge deficit of requirement of blood and available blood due to voluntary blood donation. Donate one bottle of blood and save many lives. ZHL Rajasthan has appreciated the insights on blood donation shared by Dr. Datar.

About Ziqitza Healthcare Limited

Ziqitza Health Care Limited (ZHL), has been one of the leading players in India’s Emergency Medical Services industry since 2005. Ziqitza is a “one-stop integrated healthcare solution” for corporate or government that include Integrated Emergency Services and Corporate Health Solutions. The service network includes 3,300 ambulances, state of art Helpline centres and medical mobile units that services 2 customers every second in India. We work with multiple state governments and 75 corporate clients in India and Gulf. Ziqitza is winner of Global Real impact Awards and Times Social Impact Award.

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