The Ministry of Railways intends to introduce the Namo Bharat Rapid Rail (Vande Metro), two Amrit Bharat Express trains, and all 136 Vande Bharat Express trains in 2025. To improve passenger comfort, the national transporter introduced 70 new services and 64 Vande Bharat trains last year. The 'Train at a Glance' (TAG) working schedule is typically released by the Ministry of Railways prior to June 30 of each year. The revised schedule will take effect on July 1. But the rules were changed this year.
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Meanwhile, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) is making sure that the Mahakumbh Mela 2025 will have top-notch amenities for the thousands of devotees who will be there. An official statement said that plans are on to accommodate more than 1 lakh people and run over 3,000 special mela trains.
In addition, Indian Railways' tourist and hospitality division, IRCTC, has finished building Mahakumbh Gram, a posh tent city next to Triveni Sangam. Reservations for stays at Mahakumbh Gram can now be made online between January 10 and February 28. The IRCTC website makes reservations simple, while the Mahakumbh app and the websites of the tourist department and IRCTC also offer further information.