3 Popular skincare trends that could damage your skin

First Published Sep 21, 2024, 1:37 PM IST

Girls love to experiment with skin care with new trends. Today we are telling you about 3 famous skincare trends, which can damage your skin.

Beware of skin care trends

The internet is full of many suggestions. Here you will find many types of suggestions from career to makeup. Even on social media, there is a lot of content about beauty and skin care. Not only this, girls love to experiment with new trends. But wait, because there are many trends that we should be careful about. Because many famous and trending skin care can cause great damage to your skin.

3 Famous Skincare Can Cause Damage

Every girl and woman should understand that not everyone's skin is the same. What works for one skin type may not be suitable for another. So, don't be ready to apply anything on your skin without thinking, it will make you go through problems like allergies, infections. Today we are telling you about 3 famous skincare trends, which can damage your skin.

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Physical Exfoliator

People have been using physical exfoliators for skin care for centuries. It has its benefits although chemical exfoliators have also been a game-changer in recent years. A lot of care needs to be taken while using chemical exfoliators, if not used properly it can be very harmful to the skin. These types of exfoliators contain harsh particles that can create micro-tears in the skin, causing scratches and inflammation. These can also bring on early signs of aging. If you're tempted to try coffee beans or oats as a physical exfoliator, think again.

Active Ingredients

People have been very active over the years about the use of active ingredients ranging from retinol to glycolic acid, vitamin C to niacinamide. Without a doubt, active ingredients provide many benefits for the skin. However, using all active ingredients together or in very high amounts reduces the glow of the skin. Not all ingredients are safe for all skin types and they can damage your skin.

Micellar Wipes

Using micellar wipes is undoubtedly the best thing to remove makeup. However, micellar wipes can be harmful to your skin as they strip away natural moisture, leaving the skin dry. Using micellar wipes to remove makeup is less effective than using a cleanser because they don't remove makeup very well. Clogs pores and causes pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. It is advisable to use a cleansing cream or balm instead of micellar wipes. These help in retaining the natural moisture of the skin on the face and also cleanse it well.

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