Cinnamon is obtained from the tree species known as Cinnamomum. It is commonly used as a spice in many Indian households apart from its multiple medicinal benefits. About 80-90 percent of cinnamon comes from Sri Lanka. Its scent is often associated with the feeling of being home in one's comfort zone. It also has an extremely soothing fragrance.
Research studies have also revealed that cinnamon is highly beneficial for individuals who suffer from heart problems. It is packed with anti oxidants and has a great number of anti-inflammatory properties. It could be considered as an "all-in-one" spice.
One of the most sought after qualities of cinnamon is that it helps in weight loss. While we may wonder how this is possible, the fact is that it reduces one's appetite and in turn speeds up the metabolic rate. However, merely consuming a dozen cups of cinnamon tea in a day would not do the needful. There is an urgent need to maintain a balanced diet and physical fitness. Cinnamon simply adds on to the weight loss program and enhances it further. It is an essential diet supplement for those individuals who wish to stabilise their weight.
Apart from consuming cinnamon in itself, it can be combined with other products like honey and lemon. In today's day and age, honey is a great alternative to sugar. Cinnamon can be sprinkled on food or consumed in a glass of water. It can also be combined with a banana.
Overall, cinnamon has a compound referred to as mineral chromium, which keeps one's appetite under control. It is a great spice for improving our immunity, with all the necessary minerals, vitamins and fibers all packed into one. It plays a great detoxification role to. Many times it is also referred to as a "cleanse" drink when added to a glass of water.
The Ceylon variety of cinnamon is the most beneficial, however, even the other varieties can be consumed in small amounts.NOTE: Asianet News humbly requests everyone to wear masks, sanitize, maintain social distancing and get vaccinated as soon as eligible. Together we can and will break the chain #ANCares #IndiaFightsCorona