A few year ago, Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Mahira Khan’s pictures went viral. The duo was seen smoking on a New York street. The actress faced a lot of backlash for “smoking and wearing revealing clothes”.
Later, came another shocker. Some may remember hearing rumours of veteran actors Dimple Kapadia and Sunny Deol’s alleged love affair. Seems like there more to it than meets the eye.
According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Sunny and Dimple, who were rumoured to be in love long back, were spotted in London.
A video was shared on social media where both are seen holding hands and sitting on a bench while waiting for a bus.
The report also suggested that Sunny took off for a week to London to be with Dimple.
The couple's private moment was filmed by a fan, Nisha Pal, on August 9, 2017 who uploaded their video online.
Sunny and Dimple have worked in a few films together. They shared sizzling chemistry in movies like Manzil Manzil, Gunaah, Arjun and Aag Ka Gola.