Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi is in the news for her latest song Dance Meri Rani by Guru Randhawa where she channelled her inner Shakira or Helen. Nora turned mermaid in the video. She said that the mermaid costume had restricted her activities and had to be carried around on a stretcher by the team.
Besides her latest dance song, she is also in the news because of her alleged linkup with conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Nora Fatehi has been questioned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) several times in Sukesh's Rs 200 extortion case. According to the latest report, Nora Fatehi will appear as a prosecution witness in the case.
The latest report suggests that Nora Fatehi will be turning up as a prosecution witness in the case. Earlier, she had admitted receiving extravagant gifts from Sukesh Chandrasekhar like BMW and many more.