Shah Rukh Khan recently praised Vijay Sethupathi for teaching him Tamil on the set of their movie, Jawan, in a tweet. Along with thanking the director, he showered his family with affection.
Just yesterday, the producers of the eagerly anticipated movie Jawan debuted the film's highly anticipated trailer. Jawan also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Yogi Babu, and Sunil Grover in addition to Shah Rukh Khan. The preview for Jawan was well received by the audience, notably for the fast-paced action scenes, Shah Rukh Khan's interesting personas, and the brief appearance of Deepika Padukone! One day after the Prevue's debut, SRK thanked his crew on Twitter, including co-star Vijay Stehupathi and director Atlee. In his most recent tweets, he stated learning a little Tamil from Vijay Sethupathi while working on Jawan.
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SRK'S TWEETS: Khan praised Sethupathi for providing delectable food and teaching him a little Tamil on the Jawan set. "Sir an honour to work with you. Thanks for teaching me a bit of Tamil on the sets & the delicious food u got. Love u Nanba!" wrote SRK, while expressing his gratefulness.
Sirrrrrr!!! Maaasssssss!! Your are da man!!!! Thank u for everything and making sure the A K Meer gave his inputs along with Priya!! Love u all.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk)Thanking director Atlee, and his family, the King of Bollywood also said: "Sirrrrrr!!! Maaasssssss!! Your are da man!!!! Thank u for everything and making sure the A K Meer gave his inputs along with Priya!! Love u all," In another tweet, Shah Rukh thanked choreographer Shobi Paulraj and wrote, "Thank u @shobimaster for making me dance like a cool hero. Please give my love to your whole team. I tried my best….For Sunil Grover, he wrote: "Thank u my ‘Guthi’ too much fun having u on this journey. You are so good in the film! Love u."
Thanks Da as always your lighting is awesome!! Thanks for making me look nice even bald!!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk)Thank u my ‘Guthi’ too much fun having u on this journey. You are so good in the film! Love u
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk)Salman Khan wrote, "athan jawan ban gaya, outstanding trailer, absolutely loved it. Now this is the kind of a movie we should see in theatres only. I toh for sure seeing it 1st day ko hi. Mazaa ahh gaya wahhhhh.." Salman Khan, meanwhile, uploaded a picture on Instagram a short while ago in which he expressed his admiration for Jawan Prevue. Jawan is scheduled to release on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
(With inputs from Pinkvilla)
ALSO READ: Jawan Prevue: Shah Rukh Khan starrer breaks all-time records; garners 112M views in 24 hours