While the Mahindra XUV700 has initially priced at Rs 11.99 lakh, additional bookings saw a price increase to Rs 12.49 lakh, with the top-spec vehicle costing Rs 22.99 lakh.
Since its premiere in August 2021, the Mahindra XUV700 has garnered an incredible reaction from purchasers in India. The booking windows for Mahindra opened on October 7th, and the rush was extraordinary. On the first day, 25,000 units were ordered within an hour, and another 25,000 were booked within two hours the next day. Not only was Mahindra breaking new ground for the Indian carmaker, but the whole passenger vehicle segment in the nation was experiencing a first after suffering a setback during the lockdowns.
While the Mahindra XUV700 has initially priced at Rs 11.99 lakh, additional bookings saw a price increase to Rs 12.49 lakh, with the top-spec vehicle costing Rs 22.99 lakh. Mahindra now has orders for over 75,000 units, and the firm has a significant problem in meeting demand due to a global lack of automotive parts.
While delivery of Mahindra's new flagship SUV has begun, many customers are unhappy about the lengthy wait. The SUV is in great demand that the waiting time has surpassed 75 weeks or 525 days, about 18 months. According to report, you'll have to wait 1.5 years for the top-of-the-line XUV700 SUV. The MX model, which is the most affordable, may be delivered in 25-27 weeks or around six months.
Also Read | Mahindra XUV700 gets 65,000 bookings in 2 weeks? When will delivery begin? Read details
Mahindra delivered the first petrol models of the XUV700 in the latter week of October, while the first diesel variants were delivered in the last week of November. Due to high booking numbers and a lack of semi-conductors, the delivery has been delayed unprecedentedly. Bookings placed on the first day were assigned a delivery date of mid-2022, although some deliveries were extended until July 2023.
Also Read | Within 57 minutes, Mahindra XUV 700 gets 25,000 bookings; prices hiked