Biden promises peaceful transition to Trump, urges Americans to 'bring down the temperature' (WATCH)
In an address from the White House, US President Joe Biden confirmed the beginning of a transition to president-elect Donald Trump, who secured a second administration on Wednesday.

In an address from the White House, US President Joe Biden confirmed the beginning of a transition to president-elect Donald Trump, who secured a second administration on Wednesday. In a move aimed at ensuring national stability, Biden pledged to facilitate a "peaceful and orderly transition" of power, reiterating the commitment of his administration to uphold democratic principles.
Biden opened his remarks by acknowledging Trump’s victory, stating, “Yesterday, I spoke with president-elect Trump to congratulate him on his victory, and I assured him that I direct my entire administration to work with his team to ensure a peaceful and orderly transition. That’s what the American people deserve.”
In a stunning political comeback, 78-year-old Trump emerged victorious in the race for the White House, securing his position as the 47th President of the United States. He defeated his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, in a decisive victory. Trump had previously served as the 45th President following his first election win in 2016.
American electoral system is honest and fair: Biden
Biden emphasized that the US election system is trustworthy, adding that he hoped Trump’s re-election would dispel any lingering doubts about its integrity.
“Something to hope we can do, no matter who you voted for, is see each other not as adversaries, but as fellow Americans. Bring down the temperature,” the president said.
“I also hope we can lay to rest the question about the integrity of the American electoral system. It is honest, it is fair, and it is transparent, and it can be trusted, win or lose," Biden added.
Reaffirming faith in the electoral system, Biden also expressed gratitude to election workers, acknowledging their dedication.
“At the outset, we should thank them. Thank them for staffing voting sites, counting the votes, protecting the very integrity of the election. Many of them are volunteers who do it simply out of love for their country. And, as they did, as they did their duty as citizens, I will do my duty as president. I will fulfill my oath, and I will honor the constitution. On January 20, we’ll have a peaceful transfer of power here in America," he said.
It's been a historic presidency: Biden
As the Democratic Party faced substantial setbacks, including Kamala Harris’s loss in the presidential race and a shift in Senate control, Biden directed his closing words to his supporters.
“I know it’s a difficult time. You’re hurting. I hear you and I see you, but don’t forget, don’t forget all that we accomplished. It’s been a historic presidency, not because I’m president, because what we’ve done, what you’ve done,” Biden said.
The US president then appeared to defend his own policies stating, "Much of the work we’ve done is already being felt by the American people, but the vast majority of it will not be felt … over the next 10 years … We have legislation we passed that’s just only now, just really kicking in. We’re going to see over a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure work done, changing people’s lives in rural communities and communities that are in real difficulty."
However, Biden recognized the potential for Trump’s administration and the new Republican-led Congress to reverse these efforts. “The road ahead is clear, assuming we sustain it,” he said.
Defeat does not mean we're defeated: Biden
Biden concluded with a vow to keep fighting during his final weeks in office and urged his supporters to remain steadfast in their efforts.
“Together, we’ve changed America for the better. Now, we have 74 days to finish the term, our term. Let’s make every day count. That’s the responsibility we have to the American people,” he said.
“Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgivable. We all get knocked down, but the measure of our character, as my dad would say, is how quickly we get back up. Remember, a defeat does not mean we are defeated. We lost this battle. The America of your dreams is calling for you to get back up. That’s the story of America for over 240 years and counting. It’s a story for all of us, not just some of us. The American experiment endures. We’re going to be okay, but we need to stay engaged," the US president concluded.