Rescue team frees owl and turtle stuck together in Virginia; Watch Video
A team of rescuers untangled a turtle and an owl who got stuck together in Virginia.
A turtle and an owl were freed by a team of rescuers from the Arlington County Animal Shelter and Humane Society in Virginia. The rescue team got a call regarding an owl who had hooked its claw between a turtle's top and bottom shell.
The animals were brought to the shelter, wherein the expert team delicately untangled them. The rescue action was recorded on camera and shared on social media platforms. Arlington County, Virginia's animal shelter shared this Video on Twitter with the caption, "This was a first for our Animal Control team – an owl and a turtle stuck together!"
The video shows one of the officials carefully taking out the animals from the cage. Also, the text that appears on the screen reveals the backstory of the incident. Then the rescuers gently check both the animals before separating them. Towards the end, both the animals separated successfully. However, the owl suffered minor injuries, and the turtle was unhurt. Currently, both the animals are with wildlife rehabbers who will be taking care of them before releasing them back into the wild. Watch the Video.