
Dennis Wise's Top 10 quotes: A masterclass in football wisdom

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Learning from Mistakes

"In football, you have ups and downs, but you learn from the mistakes."

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Character Matters

"The character and attitude of the players are very important, and I look for that in every player I sign."

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Flexibility in Management

"As a manager, you need to be flexible. You can't have a one-size-fits-all approach."

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Hard Work and Determination

"I believe in hard work, determination, and giving your best on and off the pitch."

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Teamwork Triumphs

"Football is a team sport, and success comes from working together towards a common goal."

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Control the Controllables

"You can't control the outcome of every match, but you can control the effort and commitment you put into it."

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Character in Adversity

"Adversity reveals character. It's during tough times that you see who has the resilience to push through."

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Leadership Insights

"Leadership is about setting an example and inspiring others to bring out their best."

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Every Player Counts

"Every player, regardless of their skill level, has a role in the team's success."

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Driven by Desire

"The love for the game and the desire to win should drive every player, from the academy to the first team."

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