
This rice costs Rs. 15,000 per kg

The world's most expensive rice

Do you know what the most expensive rice in the world is? It's Kinmemai Rice, grown in Japan. The cultivation method is very different. This special rice is rich in nutrients.

Specialty of Kinmemai Rice

Kinmemai Rice is said to be very good for health. This rice is very easy to digest and tastes good too.

Types of Kinmemai Rice

There are many varieties of Kinmemai Rice. Varieties like Kinmemai Better White, Kinmemai Better Brown are available. These are sold as premium top quality varieties in the world.

How many days does this crop take?

Kinmemai Rice cultivation also takes 3 to 5 months to yield like the normal rice we use. But it is grown in a different way.

Nutrients in Kinmemai Rice

Kinmemai Rice undergoes patent dewaxing after cooking. In this, the rice is gently rubbed and the wax layer around them is removed. This keeps the nutrients in them intact.

Easy to digest

This rice absorbs water properly when cooked, which makes it smooth. It is very easy to digest.

Benefits of this rice

Kinmemai Rice is very good for health. It contains 30% fewer calories and 32% less sugar than traditional rice. It is very useful for those who want to lose weight and sugar.

The world's most expensive rice

Kinmemai Rice costs almost Rs 15,000 per kg. It is the most expensive rice in the world.

Where is the demand high?

Kinmemai Premium Rice has earned a place in Guinness World Book of Records as the most expensive rice. This rice is in high demand in Japan, Asian countries, America, and Europe.

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