
Baba Bageshwar tells '4 signs before death', know you too

What are the 4 signs of death?

A video of Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is going viral these days in which he is telling what 4 signs God gives to a person before death. Know about these signs…

The first sign is graying of hair

According to Baba Bageshwar, 'Before death, a person's hair starts turning white, but the person does not understand that sign of God and starts dyeing his hair black.'

The second sign is less visible

According to Baba Bageshwar, 'The second sign of death is less visibility from the eyes. When this happens, a person tries to deceive God again by wearing glasses.'

The third sign is less hearing

Baba Bageshwar says, "Hearing decreases before death." Still, the person doesn't comprehend and runs the task using a hearing aid.

The fourth sign is a crooked waist

According to Baba Bageshwar, 'The fourth and last sign is a crooked waist. Even then the person does not understand the gestures of death and goes to the doctor to get it cured.'

Keep this in mind

As soon as the hair goes white, Baba Bageshwar advises people to stay aware and enhance their afterlife. To achieve salvation.

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