IAS Dev Chaudhary from Rajasthan's Barmer district credits his success to his teacher father, Suryaram, who provided unwavering support even after three failed attempts at UPSC.
Dev Chaudhary currently serves as an IAS officer in Gujarat. His journey is a testament to the unwavering support and guidance of his father, Suryaram, a dedicated teacher.
Driven by his father's belief, Dev prepared for the UPSC exam. Despite facing setbacks in his initial three attempts, his father's guidance as a teacher proved invaluable.
Suryaram, a government school teacher, instilled discipline and a passion for education in Dev. He ensured his son received his education from a government school.
Dev Chaudhary pursued a Bachelor of Science degree from a government college in Barmer. Inspired by his father, he set his sights on becoming an IAS officer.
Dev's journey to success began in 2012 when he started preparing for the UPSC exam. Despite facing setbacks, his father's support and guidance led him to triumph in 2016.
In interviews, Dev emphasizes the role his father's teachings played in his journey. He believes in the combined efforts of a dedicated teacher and a determined student.