
Ram Mandir: 7 quotes of Lord Ram on Wisdom and Dharma

Embark on a spiritual journey with 7 insightful quotes from Lord Ram, unraveling timeless wisdom and dharma

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Dharma's Bedrock

Dharma is the foundation of a righteous life

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Transient Pursuits

Wisdom lies in understanding the impermanence of material pursuits

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Path to Eternal Peace

Follow the path of righteousness, for it leads to eternal peace

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Divinity in All

True knowledge is recognizing the divinity in all beings

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Sacred Duty

Duty is sacred; perform it selflessly

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Strength in Humility

In humility, find the strength to overcome challenges

Image credits: Pixabay

Discerning Wisdom

The greatest wisdom is to discern between the real and the transient

Image credits: Pixabay
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