
Ovulation to Embryo Transfer-6 stages for successful IVF

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves fertilising an egg with sperm outside the woman's body in a laboratory setting. The procedure typically consists of the following steps.

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Ovarian Stimulation

The woman undergoes hormonal treatment to stimulate her ovaries, producing multiple eggs.

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Egg Retrieval

The eggs are retrieved from the ovaries using a minor surgical procedure under sedation or anaesthesia.

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Sperm Collection

The male partner provides a semen sample, then prepared in the lab to isolate healthy and motile sperm.

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The retrieved eggs are fertilized with the sperm through conventional IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where a single sperm is injected into each egg.

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Embryo Culture

The fertilised eggs develop into embryos over several days under carefully controlled laboratory conditions.

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Embryo Transfer

The developed embryos are transferred into the woman's uterus, aiming for successful implantation and pregnancy.

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