
Jupiter to Saturn: 8 planets and their ranking according to sizes

Jupiter to Pluto, the 9 planets differ in size and features. From Jupiter's massive storms to Pluto's dwarf planet status, let's rank the planets according to their sizes

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Has a diameter of approximately 139,822 kilometers (86,881 miles). It is the largest planet in the solar system, known for its massive size and powerful storms

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Has a diameter of approximately 116,464 kilometers (72,367 miles). Is known for its stunning ring system, composed of ice and rock particles

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Has a diameter of approximately 50,724 kilometers (31,518 miles). It's unique for its sideways rotation, it is an ice giant with a blue-green hue

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Has a diameter of approximately 49,244 kilometers (30,598 miles). It is another ice giant, it has a deep blue color and is known for its strong winds and dark storms

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Has a diameter of approximately 12,742 kilometers (7,918 miles). It is the only known planet with abundant liquid water on its surface and capable of supporting life

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The diameter is approximately 12,104 kilometers (7,521 miles). Is known for its extremely hot and thick atmosphere, making it the hottest planet in the solar system

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Has a diameter of Approximately 6,779 kilometers (4,212 miles). Known as the "Red Planet," it has a thin atmosphere and surface features like canyons, volcanoes, and dry riverbeds

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Has a diameter of approximately 4,880 kilometers (3,032 miles). It is the closest planet to the Sun and has extreme temperature variations between its day and night sides

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Has a diameter of approximately 2,377 kilometers (1,474 miles). Is classified dwarf planet, located in the Kuiper Belt and is known for its small size

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