Beagle to Chow Chow- 7 dumbest dog breeds


Beagle to Chow Chow- 7 dumbest dog breeds

Based on extensive study, here’s my list of the 7 dumbest dog breeds on the planet. Apologies in advance to Beagle lovers.

Image credits: Pixabay
<p>Bulldogs can be obstinate and only learn a few instructions, so owners should use caution while teaching them. </p>


Bulldogs can be obstinate and only learn a few instructions, so owners should use caution while teaching them. 

Image credits: Pixabay
<p>While they may be a joyful and faithful family companion, beagles are routinely listed as one of the most difficult dog breeds to train.<br />


While they may be a joyful and faithful family companion, beagles are routinely listed as one of the most difficult dog breeds to train.

Image credits: Pixabay
<p>Their IQ is comparable to that of a Tauntaun. For non-Star Wars fans, this means they're adorable yet stupid.<br />

Lhasa Apso

Their IQ is comparable to that of a Tauntaun. For non-Star Wars fans, this means they're adorable yet stupid.

Image credits: Pixabay


Chihuahua training takes time and patience. Coren's research indicates that teaching a Chihuahua a command might take up to 80 repetitions.

Image credits: Pixabay

Chow Chow

Many stupidest canines are playful and upbeat, but not the Chow Chow. You have no idea what they are thinking.

Image credits: Pixabay

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu, Mandarin meaning "little lion," was created as an indoor lap dog hundreds of years ago. Some may argue that there is nothing stupid about that.

Image credits: Pixabay


I wouldn't call one of these dogs dumb to their face, but let's say intellect isn't the breed's strongest suit. 

Image credits: Pixabay

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