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Bank Holidays July 2024: Check Full List Here

Banks will be closed for 12 days due to national and regional holidays. Banks close on Sundays and the second and fourth Saturdays of the month.

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Bank Holidays In July 2024 In India

July 03, 2024: Banks in Shillong, Meghalaya, remain closed during BehDienkhlam. July 06, 2024: Banks will remain closed in Aizawl on this day to mark MHIP Day.

Image credits: FREEPIK

Bank Holidays In July 2024 In India

July 07, 2024: Due to it being Sunday, there will be a holiday in all the banks across. July 08, 2024: Banks are closed in Imphal on the occasion of Kang Rathajatra on 8 July.

Image credits: FREEPIK

Bank Holidays In July 2024 In India

July 09, 2024: Banks in Gangtok are closed on the occasion of Drukpa Tshe-zi.
July 13, 2024: Due to it being the second Saturday, there will be a holiday in all the banks.

Image credits: FREEPIK

Bank Holidays In July 2024 In India

July 14, 2024: Being Sunday, it is a weekly bank holiday.
July 16, 2024: Banks of Dehradun will remain closed on the occasion of Harela.

Image credits: FREEPIK

Bank Holidays In July 2024 In India

July 17, 2024: There will be a holiday in banks in many states of the country on the occasion of Muharram. July 21, 2024: Due to it being Sunday, all the banks will remain closed.

Image credits: FREEPIK

Bank Holidays In July 2024 In India

July 27: Due to it being the fourth Saturday, there will be a holiday in all the banks July 28: Since this day is the last Sunday of July, banks will remain closed across.

Image credits: FREEPIC
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