
Keep Bananas Fresh for a Week

Wrap the stem:

One of the simplest ways to preserve bananas is by wrapping their stems in plastic wrap or paper.

Use vinegar:

Applying a small amount of vinegar to the bananas can prevent them from spoiling quickly.

Store away from sunlight:

Bananas exposed to sunlight spoil and turn black more quickly. To prevent this, wrap the bananas in a cloth and store them in a cool, shaded place.

Hang them up:

Stacking bananas in a fruit basket can accelerate spoilage and cause bruising. Hang them up in a well-ventilated area to allow even airflow.

Avoid refrigeration:

Refrigerating bananas is not recommended, as their stems release ethylene gas when exposed to cold, which causes the peels to blacken.

Soak in soda water:

After purchasing bananas, soak them in a mixture of water and soda for 5-10 minutes. This simple trick can help extend their freshness.

Store away from other fruits:

Many fruits release ethylene gas, which can cause bananas to spoil faster. To keep bananas fresh, store them separately from other fruits to avoid premature ripening.

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