
Cute Modern Names!

Parents love to give their children pet names along with regular names.  So, here are some cute modern names of God that you can give to your baby boy.

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This name means 'part of God' or 'born of prosperity'. It also gives the meaning of divine blessings, strength and spiritual connection.

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Nirved means the bliss of heaven, contentment, or the consciousness of reality. It is said that children with this name have more patience and a mix of emotions.

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The name Sriyann is preceded by Sri. It means prosperity, wealth. It gives the meaning of a person who brings success and wealth in your life.

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The meaning of the name Vivan is a complete life. Besides, it also means the first ray of the sun. It indicates strength, a new beginning in life.

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This is the name of the Veda. It is a name that symbolizes intelligence and knowledge. Along with that it also gives the meaning of balance, fearlessness.

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The meaning of the name Advik is special,  unmatched. This name also reflects originality, creativity.

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The name of the great sage in Indian mythology. He is a sage known for his knowledge and guidance. It also gives the meaning of strength, discipline and knowledge.

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This name means 'leader' or 'sovereign'. It also reflects strength, responsibility and guidance to others.

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The meaning of this name is, someone who sees you as a guru. It also means leader. 

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As the name suggests, it means someone capable and strong. It is a person who achieves his goal by his self-confidence and skill.

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