
7 ways to keep your eyes healthy while working in front of laptop

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1. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule:

The 20-20-20 rule is a simple yet effective strategy to reduce eye strain. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

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2. Adjust Your Screen Settings:

Properly adjusting your screen settings can significantly reduce eye strain. Ensure the brightness of your screen matches the lighting in your room.

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3. Maintain Proper Distance and Position:

Your laptop screen should be about an arm's length away from your eyes and positioned at eye level or slightly below.

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4. Use Proper Lighting:

Ensure your workspace is well-lit to prevent your eyes from working too hard. Avoid glare by positioning your screen away from windows and overhead lights.

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5. Blink Frequently:

Blinking is essential for keeping your eyes moist and preventing dryness and irritation. When working on a laptop, people tend to blink less frequently.

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6. Take Regular Breaks:

Taking regular breaks from your screen is crucial for eye health. Stand up, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes every hour.

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7. Schedule Regular Eye Exams:

Regular eye exams are essential for maintaining eye health, especially if you spend long hours in front of a screen.

Image credits: Getty
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