
7 ways in which dogs communicate with humans

Dogs use a combination of body language, vocalization and behaviours to communicate with humans. Here are 7 remarkable ways in which they communicate.

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Tail Wagging

The way a dog wags his tail can mean different things.While a normal wag indicates happiness, a high wag means extreme excitement. However, a low wag  may indicate uncertainity.

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Eye Contact

A soft and relaxed eye contact is dog's way of showing affection and trust. But a long, intense stare is usually a sign of aggression. 

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Dog usually licks their owner to show affection, but excessive licking can be associated to an underlying medical condition in them.

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Sometimes dogs yawn in uncomfortable situations where they feel intimidated by a dominant figure.

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A dog nudges or paws their owner when they need attention, affection or food.

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Bringing Objects

A dog bringing random objects to you is there way of sharing and showing care. Sometimes it is an inviation to play with them.

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Rolling Over

When a dog rolls onto their back, they are in a vulnerable position. They do it with someone who they trust, to show affection.

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