6 grooming mistakes men should avoid during monsoon


6 grooming mistakes men should avoid during monsoon

By Shiv Khandelvwal, Creative Director and Content Strategist

Image credits: Freepik

Keep your scalp clean

We often forget to regularly wash our hair, especially during the rainy season, which is a must for healthy hair. 

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⁠Don’t use heavy creams in humid areas

Heavy creams can cause, excessive deposits on the skin which can lead to acne in this weather.

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⁠Don’t forget to wear sunblock

Even in monsoons sunblock acts as a shield for your skin and should be considered while stepping out.

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⁠Overusing fragrance in high humidity

Fragrance especially in monsoons would wear off faster than any other season and until it’s essential it can be used in a limited manner, especially in humid areas.

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Wash your face enough

Especially in more humid areas using a face wash according to your skin type is ideal and prevents acne as well.

Image credits: Freepik

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