India News

7-day schedule of pre-Praan Pratistha ritual

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1. January 16:

The ritual will begin with touching the Saryu river embankment, starting “Vishnu Puja” and conducting “Gau Dan”.

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2. January 17:

The Ram Lalla idol will be brought on a "shobha yatra" or "nagar bhraman" (town tour). Water from Saryu to be filled in a kalash that will be transported to the temple.

Image credits: Our own

3. January 18:

Formal rituals commence with Ganesh Ambika puja, Varun puja, Matrika puja, Brahmin Varan, and Vastu puja.

Image credits: Our own

4. January 19:

Prayers to Ganesha and Varuna to be followed by other rituals, including chanting of mantras at the temple.

Image credits: Our own

5. January 20:

The temple’s sanctum sanctorum will be washed with Saryu water and prayers for “Vastu shanti” to be offered.

Image credits: Our own

6. January 21:

In order to prepare for the idol's installation, Ram Lalla's seat will be cleaned using Saryu water that has been filled with 125 kalashas.

Image credits: our own

7. January 22:

Prayers and rituals to begin in the morning followed by “pran pratistha” at “Abhijeet mahurat”.

Image credits: X (twitter)
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