Visit electoral search portal at You will see 3 ways to search for your name – Search by Details, Search by EPIC, and Search by Mobile.
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1st way: How to search by details?
Select your State and language. Enter your personal details like Name, DOB, age & more. Enter your Location. Then, enter Captcha and click on Search.
Image credits: Freepik
2nd way: Search by EPIC
You will need your EPIC number for this process. Choose your language. Enter your EPIC Number and State. Enter Captcha and click on Search.
Image credits: Freepik
3rd way: Search by mobile number
Choose your State and language. Enter your mobile number, followed by a captcha. Click on "Send OTP". Enter the OTP you received on your smartphone and click on Search
Image credits: Freepik
Voila! Details displayed
Once you have followed any of these methods, you should find your name on the voter’s list. You will also be able to view your personal details, polling station & other details.