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India News

Heatwave in India: DDMA issues Dos & Don'ts to combat it

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Guidelines issued

DDMA issued guidelines to help citizens minimize the impact of the heat and prevent serious ailments or even death due to heatstroke.

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Don't step out during peak hours

The DDMA advises citizens to avoid going out in the sun, particularly between noon and 3 pm, when the sun’s rays are most intense.

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Stay hydrated

They also recommend drinking plenty of water regularly, even if one does not feel thirsty, to stay hydrated.

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Wear light clothes & cover yourself

DDMA suggests wearing lightweight, light-colored, loose and porous cotton clothes to keep cool, and using protective gear such as umbrellas and shoes when venturing out in the sun. 

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Don't consume tea, coffee

The DDMA also advises against consuming alcohol, tea, coffee, and carbonated soft drinks, which can dehydrate the body, as well as high-protein food and stale foods. 

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How to keep your body cool?

For those working outside, using a hat or an umbrella and a damp cloth on the head, neck, face, and limbs can help keep the body cool. 

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Be careful with parked vehicle

They also caution against leaving children or pets in parked vehicles, which can quickly become dangerously hot.

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How to rehydrate your body?

They recommend using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) and homemade drinks like lassi, torani (rice water), lemon water, and buttermilk to help rehydrate the body.

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How to maintain temperature indoors?

Additionally, using fans, damp clothing, and taking frequent baths in cold water can help maintain a comfortable temperature indoors.

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