You are looking for me outside, I am waiting for you in your house.
A hundred mistakes made with a sincere heart are forgiven, there is no forgiveness for even one mistake made knowingly.
Whenever I see you, you break someone's face and come home.
Madam, where I come from... what is 6 thousand... can do 6 thousand times in 60 thousand square feet...
Salman- How much have you studied?
Rashmika- I have topped CA from Chennai..
Salman- Means you are not looking for a job, the job is looking for you
Salman- I have full control over my anger... but this act has taken full control over me...
Salman- I have full control over my anger... but this act has taken full control over me...
A lot of policemen have gone to jail... politicians too, actors too... nobody above the court...
I have so much popularity, not PM-CM, but I will definitely become MLA, MP..
Just keep taking long breaths....
Otherwise you have no future... Dhayan..Dhayan…Dhayan..