High drama unfolds in Jhanak. Jhanak is kidnapped, and Anirudh's parents leave the Bose house
Jhanak, held captive by Kulbhushan, plans her escape and successfully flees
Jhanak's life transforms as she lives with a family and cares for a baby, as seen in the promo
A new character enters, informing Anirudh of his return to India
Anirudh assures he'll meet his sister-in-law soon, adding suspense to the upcoming twists
Will Jhanak and Anirudh reunite? Will they be separated forever? The suspense builds
Emergency to Deva: 7 New movies, web series releasing in January 2025
Mallika Sherawat: Controversy, harassment, Bollywood exit of actress
Priyanka-Nick to Shilpa-Raj: 7 Famous couples who chose surrogacy
Deepika Padukone inspired 8 light weight saree designs