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Ayushmann Khurrana once drank breast milk with his protein shake

Tahira, Ayushmann Khurrana's wife, has revealed that the actor drank her breastmilk during their vacation to Bangkok.

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Ayushmann Khurrana once drank breast milk with his protein shake

Tahira posted an extract from her book, 'The 7 Sins Of Being A Mother', in which she said that Ayushmann slipped her breastfeeding into his protein drink.

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Ayushmann Khurrana once drank breast milk with his protein shake

It all started when Tahira's kid was seven months old and she decided to take a little holiday to Bangkok with her husband, leaving the baby with her parents.

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Ayushmann Khurrana once drank breast milk with his protein shake

Tahira revealed that since she was lactating, she expressed several milk bottles before leaving the baby. She gave all the bottles to her parents.

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Ayushmann Khurrana once drank breast milk with his protein shake

But, before she could board the flight, her mother told her that the milk had gotten over. Tahira kept expressing her breastmilk throughout the flight and on the trip too.

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Ayushmann Khurrana once drank breast milk with his protein shake

When she did the same in the hotel, she found the milk bottle empty after some time. "My boy (Ayushmann) was relaxing in the bedroom having his protein shake."

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Tahira revealed how Ayushmann had gulped the milk

"My boy (Ayushmann) was relaxing in the bedroom having his protein shake."

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Tahira revealed how Ayushmann had gulped the milk

"I asked him about the curious case of the missing breast milk and he smirked while chugging his shake and wiping his milk moustache."

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Tahira revealed how Ayushmann had gulped the milk

"His only response was that it had the perfect temperature, was highly nutritious and blended perfectly with his protein shake. Yikes!"

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Tahira revealed how Ayushmann had gulped the milk

"My boy (Ayushmann) was already living up to his promise of making this trip memorable!"

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Tahira revealed how Ayushmann had gulped the milk

"Now each time I had to express during the trip, I hid the bottle from the gym-going, protein shake-drinking, breast milk-stealing freak," she further wrote.

Image credits: Social Media
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