
Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

Bigg Boss is one of India's most anticipated reality TV series. The exhibition is always anticipated, and this year is no exception.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

According to recent reports, various celebrities, including spiritual guru Aniruddh Acharya, have been offered the show.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

According to various sources, the creators offered the program to spiritual leader Aniruddh Acharya, who declined.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

Guruji was reportedly paid crores for the role, but she refused the controversial reality program.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

Guruji was in Color's other reality program, Laughter Chef, so he's comfortable with TV. He may fear participating on a contentious show that would hurt his image.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

No one can host Bigg Boss like Salman Khan. He guides and rebukes competitors, and now, to fans' delight, the megastar will host Bigg Boss 18.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

Bigg Boss 18 may premiere on October 5, 2024, according to rumours. The show may premiere on October 5 after months of discussion about September or October.

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Aniruddhacharya Maharaj to join Bigg Boss 18? Here's the TRUTH

Fans are counting down to another season of Bigg Boss's unique drama, shocks, and entertainment.

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