'Wonder Woman' to 'Little Woman': 7 best female-led films in Hollywood


'Wonder Woman' to 'Little Woman': 7 best female-led films in Hollywood

These female-led films have not only entertained audiences but also broken barriers and contributed to the advancement of women's representation in Hollywood.

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<p>Gal Gadot portrays the iconic superhero, Diana Prince, in this empowering and action-packed film.</p>

Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot portrays the iconic superhero, Diana Prince, in this empowering and action-packed film.

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<p>Julia Roberts delivers a powerful performance as a legal assistant who fights against a corporation for environmental justice.</p>

Erin Brockovich

Julia Roberts delivers a powerful performance as a legal assistant who fights against a corporation for environmental justice.

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<p>This inspiring film tells the true story of three brilliant African-American women who made significant contributions to NASA's space program.</p>

Hidden Figures

This inspiring film tells the true story of three brilliant African-American women who made significant contributions to NASA's space program.

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Thelma & Louise

Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon's on-screen chemistry shines in this iconic road trip film that challenges societal norms.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Charlize Theron's compelling performance as Imperator Furiosa steals the show in this post-apocalyptic masterpiece.

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Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of Ellen Ripley set a new standard for female protagonists in sci-fi horror.

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Little Women

Greta Gerwig's adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel showcases the talents of an ensemble female cast, including Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, and Emma Watson.

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