
IQ Test: Can you solve these 7 challenging questions for exams?

7 Fun Tricky IQ Questions

Here are 7 tricky but fun IQ questions. By solving these, you can check your ability to solve reasoning, math puzzles, and brain teasers. Answers are at the end.

Direction Test Question: 1

A person walks 10 meters north, then turns right and walks 20 meters, then turns right and walks 10 meters. In which direction is he now?

A) East

B) West

C) North

D) South

IQ Puzzle Question: 2

Ram has Rs 5 more than Shyam, and Shyam has Rs 10 more than Mohan. If Mohan has Rs 15, how much do all three have in total?

A) Rs 60 

B) Rs 50 

C) Rs 55 

D) Rs 45 

Analogy Question: 3

Book : Page :: Tree : ?

A) Branch

B) Leaf

C) Trunk

D) Root

Arithmetic Question: 4

If the number of girls in a class is 10 more than the number of boys, and the total students are 50, how many girls are there?

A) 20

B) 25

C) 30

D) 35

Word Puzzle Question: 5; Arrange in correct order

(A) Boy (B) Market (C) Went (D) In

A) A → B → C → D

B) A → C → D → B

C) A → C → B → D

D) A → D → B → C

Data Interpretation Question: 6

If 75% of students passed in an exam and 360 students failed, what was the total number of students?

A) 1440

B) 1200

C) 1600

D) 1500

Clock Question: 7

What will be the angle in degrees between the hour and minute hands at 3:15 in a clock?

A) 7.5°

B) 15°

C) 30°

D) 37.5°

Check All Answers Here

1 Answer: A) East

2 Answer: C) 55 rupees

3 Answer: B) Leaf

4 Answer: C) 30

5 Answer: C) Boy went in market

6 Answer: B) 1200

7 Answer: A) 7.5°

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