Don't blame us, Jaisha refused energy drinks: AFI

A new controversy made its way in the Indian contingent of the Rio Olympics after the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) claimed that marathon runner O.P. Jaisha declined the team manager's offer for a personalised drink for the race.
Earlier, Jaisha hit at the Indian management for the games alleging that they were not provided with water, recovery drinks or food during the race. She said when every country had a stall every 2km, the Indian counters, placed next to the Indian flag, were shockingly empty.
Read more: No water, no officials: OP Jaisha falls unconscious at finish line at Rio
"Each team is allowed to keep their own personalised drinks on the booths, marked in a colour as per the choice of the team and athlete. Accordingly, as per the rule, on the night ahead of women's marathon race, Indian team manager carried 16 empty bottles, eight each for Jaisha and Kavita Raut and visited the duo and their coach Nikolai Snesarev in their room," the AFI said in a statement.
"The team manager asked them to provide their choice of personalised drink which would then be sealed in their presence and handed over to the organisers for installing them on the booth along with a placard as per the requirement of the athlete.
"However, Jaisha and Raut declined the offer and informed the Indian team manager that they didn't require the personalised drink. If at all they required it during the race, they would use the drinks available at the water booth and refreshment booth provided by the organisers,"AIF added in the statement.
Meanwhile, Jaisha who has been affected by the scorching heat during the marathon race at the Rio Olympics has apparently refused to get admitted to a hospital. The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has revealed that Jaisha is suffering from high fever and she would require 2-3 months of ayurvedic treatment and body massage to recover completely.