When is Poila Baisakh 2023? Know when to celebrate, date, significance of the New Year festivities
Poila Baisakh marks the beginning of the New Year for Hindi Bengalis. This is also a harvest festival; people celebrate enthusiastically and zeal.

Poila Baisakh, or Pohela Boishakh or Noboborsho, is the first day of Baisakh, the Bengali calendar's first month. Poila Baisakh is also known as Noboborsho in Bangla. People in West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura celebrate the Bengali New Year on this day. Bangladesh too, celebrates the holiday with tremendous excitement and fervour.
Different cultures observe New Year's Day on different dates. Some people observe Gudi Padwa and Ugadi, while others observe Baisakhi and Poila Baisakh. Gudi Padwa and Ugadi are observed on the first day of the Chaitra month, whereas Baisakhi and Poila Baisakh are observed at the start of the Baisakh or Vaisakh month. While these are merely a few examples of regional New Years.
Poila Baisakh 2023 Date:
Poila Baisakh or Noboborsho will be celebrated on Saturday, April 15. Bengalis celebrate Poila Baisakh in West Bengal, Assam, Tripura and Bangladesh. In Assam, Noboborsho is celebrated as Bihu.
Baisakhi History:
Some claim that the Bengali calendar was adopted during the reign of Emperor Akbar. The emperor commissioned royal astronomer Fathullah Shirazi to devise a new calendar that combined the solar Hindu and Islamic lunar calendars.
Poila Baisakh Significance:
Poila Baisakh marks the start of the Bengali New Year. This day is significant not just spiritually, but also for business owners. This day marks the start of a new fiscal year, and individuals create fresh accounts books known as the Haal Khaata. People pray to God to bless them with a bountiful crop.
Poila Baisakh Celebrate:
Fairs are held throughout the city, and people shop for new outfits. They exchange greetings of Shubh Noboborsho, which translates to "Happy New Year." People create delicious meals and share them with their family, as well as beautify their homes. On this day, people worship to Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi.