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Scientists have finally decoded why we lean right when we kiss

  • According to researchers, kiss recipients tilt their head in the same direction as the kiss initiator.
  • The study found that men are 15 times more likely to lean their head to the right when they kiss.
  • Researchers suggest that this is because of the unequal distribution of neurotransmitters and hormones in the brain,
Scientists have finally decoded why we lean right when we kiss

Scientists have finally figured out why people lean to the right when they kiss. According to a new study, heads tilting to the right is connected with how the brain splits tasks in different hemispheres and there could be a bias.

Scientists at the University of Bangladesh, Bath and Bath Spa said the very act of kissing is determined by the brain and its a result of how this vital organ distributes tasks. The study also claimed that people tilt to the right as a result of unequal distribution of hormones and neurotransmitters in different hemispheres of the brain.

The study's lead author, Dr. Rezaul Karim from University of Dhaka said the head leaning towards the right is one of the earliest biases that human beings develop. This is seen even among unborn babies who take this posture even before they can favour the right hand or foot, reported ANI. 

While conducting their research, scientists studied 48 married couples. They found that men tend to lean their head to the right and are 15 times more likely to initiate a kiss. When the actual act takes place, the kiss recipient also tilts the head in same direction as the initiator, the study found. This bias towards the right side is seen among two thirds of the people.

Dr. Michael Proulx, University of Bath, explained that this study gives a unique perspective into why people behave the way they do. The study is published in the journal of Scientific Reports.


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