Kerala MVD releases new list of emergency vehicles; Check

The Kerala Motor Vehicle Department has specified the list of vehicles that should be considered emergency vehicles. If emergency vehicles are noticed, the drivers of other vehicles should move their vehicles to the side as soon as possible and allow the above vehicles to pass.

Kerala MVD releases new list of emergency vehicles; Check rkn

The Kerala Motor Vehicle Department has specified the list of vehicles that should be considered emergency vehicles. As per the rules since 1989, vehicles containing fire engines and ambulances have priority on the road,  and if you see such vehicles, you should move your vehicle to the side and let those vehicles pass. However, when the Revised Motor Vehicle Driving Regulations of 2017 came into force, the priority for such vehicles and the order of priority for such vehicles changed.

Accordingly, certain vehicles have been given priority for emergency operations such as saving human life, preventing serious injury to health, firefighting, or operations to prevent disruption of essential services. MVD also stated that priority is given to carrying out such emergency steps and not to the vehicle itself. Therefore, only when siren and flasher lights are used is priority entitled.

In certain situations, emergency vehicles like fire engines, ambulances, police cars, and vehicles for fixing public utilities may need to break traffic rules like driving on the shoulder, going against one-way streets, running red lights, or speeding. They do this very carefully and responsibly. Here's the priority order for these vehicles:

1. Fire engines
2. Ambulances
3. Police vehicles
4. Vehicles designated for clearing or repairing obstructions to electricity, water supply, and public transport

If emergency vehicles are noticed, the drivers of other vehicles should move their vehicles to the side as soon as possible and allow the above vehicles to pass. Moreover, it is also necessary to know that other vehicles are allowed to drive only by keeping a distance of 50 meters behind them.

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