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Renukaswamy murder case: Reporter assaulted by unknown person during actor Darshan's trial, complaint filed

Rakshit Gowda, a news reporter from Indian Express, was assaulted and severely injured while covering the Renukaswamy murder trial involving actor Darshan at the court premises in Bengaluru. The attack occurred when Gowda was identified as media, leading to a Non-Cognizable Report being filed. Authorities are investigating the incident.

Renukaswamy murder case: Reporter assaulted by unknown person during actor Darshan's trial in Bengaluru, case filed vkp
First Published Jun 15, 2024, 10:40 PM IST

A news reporter from Indian Express was allegedly assaulted while covering the trial of the Renukaswamy murder case, involving actor Darshan, at the court premises on Nripatunga Road in Bengaluru.

Rakshit Gowda, the reporter in question, was standing with a mobile phone on the court premises when an unknown person approached him. Upon learning that Gowda was from the media, the assailant attacked him, leading to severe injuries. Gowda was beaten until he bled and was subjected to abusive language.

The incident unfolded when actor Darshan arrived at the court, adding to the chaos. Gowda has since filed a complaint about the assault, and a Non-Cognizable Report (NCR) has been registered at the Halasur Gate police station.

The attack on Rakshit Gowda highlights the risks journalists face while performing their duties, particularly in high-profile cases. Authorities are investigating the incident to identify and apprehend the assailant. 

Renukaswamy murder case: Reporter assaulted by unknown person during actor Darshan's trial in Bengaluru, case filed vkp

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