Karnataka grapples with the low adoption of high security number plates (HSRP) amidst an impending deadline

The deadline for the installation of High Safety Registration Plates (HSRP) for vehicles in Karnataka is fast approaching, yet less than 10 percent of vehicle owners have complied with the requirement. The mandate for installing HSRP aims to enhance vehicle safety and curb criminal activities by ensuring uniformity in registration plates.

Karnataka grapples with the low adoption of high security number plates (HSRP) amidst an impending deadline

The authorities manufacture HSRP using aluminum and secure it with non-removable locks. It features a chromium hologram of the Ashoka Chakra, applied through hot stamping, to prevent counterfeiting. The mandate for installing HSRP aims to enhance vehicle safety and curb criminal activities by ensuring uniformity in registration plates.

Despite the government's efforts to mandate HSRP installation, the adoption rate remains alarmingly low. Older vehicles have not yet complied with the mandate, despite the government equipping vehicles registered after April 2019 with HSRP. The Transport Department has issued directives for vehicles registered before April 2019 to adopt HSRP by the specified deadline, initially set for November 17, 2023, and later extended to February 17, 2024, due to inadequate response from vehicle owners. 

Despite the extended deadline, vehicle owners have fitted only a fraction of vehicles with HSRP, highlighting challenges in implementation. The Transport Department estimates that over 2 crore vehicles in the state will require HSRP adoption by 2023. However, as of the extended deadline, only 40 thousand vehicles have complied, signalling a significant gap in compliance. Several factors contribute to vehicle owners' reluctance to adopt HSRP.

One key factor is the lack of awareness among owners about the importance of HSRP for vehicle safety and security. Additionally, logistical challenges, such as difficulty in scheduling appointments for installation and a lack of convenient access to authorised dealers, hinder compliance efforts. With the current deadline approaching, the Transport Department is deliberating whether to extend the deadline once again due to the low adoption rate. 

Vehicles that fail to comply with HSRP installation may face penalties ranging from Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000. To encourage compliance, vehicle owners can visit the Karnataka Transport Department website or www.siam.in to book an appointment for HSRP installation. By providing basic vehicle details and selecting a dealer location for affixation, owners can proceed with online payment of the HSRP fee.

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