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Kerala government launches e-governance K-SMART App; Check details

 K-SMART, short for "Kerala - Solution for Managing Administrative Reformation and Transformation," introduces a modern and data-centric approach for Local Self Government Institutions (LSGIs) in Kerala.

Kerala government launches e-governance K-SMART App; Check details rkn
First Published Jan 1, 2024, 1:07 PM IST

Ernakulam: The state government introduced K-Smart developed by the Information Kerala Mission for the Local Self-Government Department on January 1, 2024. In a significant move, municipal services in the state have transitioned to an online platform starting today. Minister MB Rajesh has announced that the initiative, known as the  K-SMART  App, is being presented as a New Year gift to the people of Kerala. This digital transformation aims to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of municipal services. 

 K-SMART App was inaugurated by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in a ceremony held in Kochi. The CM stated that "Kerala has always been a guide for the country in terms of technology. The services of local institutions are now more accessible to the people through a single app. Serving the people is the duty of those sitting on the chair. It should be done. Don't think that you can do anything for it. You just have to give up some habits. Some people continue this as if we have seen how much. Don't extend it unnecessarily."

 K-SMART, short for "Kerala - Solution for Managing Administrative Reformation and Transformation," introduces a modern and data-centric approach for Local Self Government Institutions (LSGIs) in Kerala. Leveraging the latest technologies available in the market, this innovative solution is designed to establish smart e-governance across all local bodies. Its primary goal is to ensure effective governance for citizens, employees, and anyone availing services through local bodies.  K-SMART offers a user-friendly experience through both a mobile app and a web-based solution, integrating all services under one platform.

Benefits of  K-SMART App:

1. Paperless Approach:
   The implementation of a paperless office has resulted in a substantial decrease in our environmental impact. It contributes significantly to fostering a sustainable and eco-friendly work environment. Its streamlined document management processes have led to improved efficiency in accessing information. Notably, the transition has minimized the physical storage space required for documents.

2. Integration of GIS:
 The adoption of an advanced Geographic Information System (GIS) has been instrumental in our operations. GIS is specifically designed for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data associated with Earth's surface. This integration enhances our ability to analyze spatial data, providing valuable insights crucial for informed decision-making. The incorporation of GIS technology adds a layer of sophistication to our operations, enabling a better understanding and visualization of geographic information.

3. Security Measures:
   Given the prominence of security in the digital age, robust measures have been implemented to safeguard sensitive data. A firm commitment to maintaining stringent security protocols is a priority. The focus is on protecting both user information and the integrity of our systems. Recognizing the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats, continuous efforts are made to adapt and enhance security measures.

4. Certificate Preview Feature:
  A proactive step in ensuring security is the introduction of a Certificate Preview feature. Users are empowered to thoroughly review and verify the accuracy of their credentials before official issuance. This feature enhances transparency in our certification processes, allowing individuals to confirm that the information aligns with their expectations. Users actively participate in the verification of their credentials, contributing to a more secure and trustworthy environment.

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