Pornhub for free: Premium content offered at no cost to cope with coronavirus
Popular porn website, Pornhub, has offered its premium services free for Italians for a month during coronavirus crisis.
Reports suggest that in Italy, more than 12,000 Covid-19 cases have been registered, out of which 827 have died. In a single day, 189 deaths were reported in Italy because of the deadly virus.
The European country is currently in the isolation stage. During this time, a popular porn website, Pornhub, has announced its premium services free for Italians for a month.
The website released a press statement yesterday (March 12) stating that it will contribute all its earnings from the Modelhub platform to assist Italy to deal with the coronavirus outbreak.
The press release stated, "Forza Italia, We love you! PornHub has decided to donate its percentage revenue from the ModelHub platform from March to help Italy during the outbreak. To help you during these weeks at home, for the whole months you can access PornHub Premium free of charge, with no need for using your credit card."
Earlier, in a survey of the top 20 list of Pornhub traffic-generating countries, Italy stood at the seventh position. Some days ago, reports of a particular genre of porn, including people covering with hazmat suits and masks, started trending on Pornhub. So far, 1,24,000 cases of coronavirus-affected patients have been reported globally. And a total of 75 Covid-19 cases have been recorded in India.