Signs that show your girlfriend may be bisexual
Being bisexual is not something to be made light of. It can be extremely confusing and heart-breaking, and it might be difficult to deal with emotionally. A bisexual woman is not there for your erotic entertainment, so if you want to spend your time with a bisexual woman, get that out of your head — this is not what this relationship is about. If your girlfriend comes out of the closet, treat it the same as if she told you she’s a lesbian: with kindness and care. If she decides that she would like to experiment with you and others, good for you both. If not, don’t push it.

Here's how to tell if your girl is bisexual and whether or not she's keen to play.
She checks out other girls
When your girl checks out and openly appreciates the beauty of others, it could be a red flag that she sees them differently.
Her idea of grooming is different
If her idea of 'cool' dressing is a t-shirt and a pair of jeans for every occasion, it could be a sign that she prefers the casual way of dressing. But don’t read too much into this sign.
She is one of the dudes
Her friends are mainly male, and she blends in entirely with them. Whenever she hangs out with them, they can have 'man talks' comfortably.
Few past relationships
When she mentions that she never really dated anyone but has had many flings, you may find out that the flings involved both girls and boys.
She's into girl-on-girl porn
If she can watch and enjoy a woman being pleasured by another woman, then it is highly likely that she wouldn't mind a bit of that action herself.
These are signs and are not tells that states for sure your girlfriend is bisexual. This is just so that you are not surprised and are prepared to hear the news if she decides to tell you she is into other women.