Pongal 2024: Kolam designs for debt reductions as per shastra
Kolam For Shastra: This post explores how drawing kolams in front of your house can enhance prosperity and reduce debt

Kolam For Shastra
Drawing kolams is believed to please Goddess Lakshmi. It's said that Lakshmi won't visit houses without kolams. It's believed that Lakshmi roams the streets during Brahma Muhurta. She visits clean houses adorned with kolams. This is why our ancestors emphasized drawing kolams early in the morning. However, times have changed, and people draw kolams hastily. This is incorrect. There's a Shastra for drawing kolams
Kolam For Shastra
Some kolams can bring misfortune and increase debt. Some struggle to repay debts despite efforts. Some try to manage expenses but their debt remains. Debt is part of karma. Many suffer due to debt, losing sleep and peace of mind
Kolam and Debt
Is Kolam related to debt?
While some are unconcerned about debt, others suffer. To reduce debt, change how you draw kolams. Kolams can influence your debt. For prosperity and debt reduction, draw kolams daily. Clean your house and draw kolams in the morning and evening
How to Draw Kolams
How to Draw Kolams?
Draw kolams not just for decoration, but for Lakshmi's blessings. Rice flour kolams feed ants and insects. Use raw rice flour. Avoid chalk powder; it's ineffective. The purpose is to feed creatures. Raw rice kolams feed insects by evening. Chalk powder doesn't, and Lakshmi won't visit. How will debt reduce then?
Raw Rice Kolam
Raw Rice Kolam:
If raw rice flour is difficult, grind rice to a kolam consistency. A slightly coarse texture is ideal. This reduces karmic debt. Reduce your sins through conscious and unconscious acts of dharma. Raw rice kolams unknowingly feed creatures, reducing debt. Draw kolams morning and evening for full benefits. Scientifically, drawing kolams during Brahma Muhurta improves physical and mental health