New Year 2023: 3 pivotal ways to manage diabetes amid celebrations
We know that during the holiday season, the diet and strict daily routine followed goes for a toss. While many people are diet and health-conscious. Often we observe that many diabetic people let go of their precautions and indulge in eating sweets. This can be dangerous and fatal for their health. For these people, here are the pivotal ways to manage their diabetes amid the celebrations.
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The year’s most delightful time is finally here. After years of Covid restrictions, people are looking forward to celebrating the new year celebrations with great zeal and enthusiasm. The New Year week is all about attending and hosting parties, wearing glamorous attires, indulging in mouth-watering delicacies with friends, planning solo or group holiday trip with family and more.
But unfortunately, many of us are warned by our doctors and consultants to keep it all limited. Celebrations cannot be the same for everyone. But we can make slight changes to make the year-end cheerful for all of us. Considering people with diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar levels during festivities. Besides controlling portions and taking medication on time, a diabetic person, should also stay physically active during the festive season. For these people, here are three mandatory ways to manage their diabetes amid a celebratory mood.
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1. Have healthy meals:
On occasions, we usually indulge in binge eating. It is necessary to control your diet and have portioned meals. A good meal plan should include non-starchy vegetables, like spinach, eggplant, broccoli, and green beans. Focus on eating whole foods instead of highly processed foods. Instead of having beverages like cold drinks, soda, and others, you can go for drinks like coconut water and low-fat smoothies made of mixed fruits.
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2. Try to have sugar free desserts:
In this festivity, doctors clearly instruct diabetic people to avoid eating heavy sugary desserts like cakes, pastries, and cookies. Eating too many sweets will cause a spike in sugar levels. If you have a sweet tooth, choose homemade sweets like kheer and rabdi that are low in sugar. You can also try having the chocolate banana oatmeal cake. This is a sugar free dessert. The cake is vegan, gluten-free, and organic.
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3. Have healthy evening snacks:
An unlimited buffet could trick you into overeating unhealthy food at parties. Eat more healthy snacks like salads, soups, and nuts. Have steamed food over oily and creamy dishes. Increase fibre intake in the form of salads and greens for better control over blood sugar levels.