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Renukaswamy murder case: Darshan's shoes found at wife Vijayalakshmi's house

A development in the Renukaswamy murder case revealed that his wife Vijayalakshmi's house in Hoskerehalli contained the shoes actor Darshan wore during the fatal attack. The police confiscated the shoes from Vijayalakshmi's residence after conducting a detailed interrogation of the accused.

Renukaswamy murder case: Darshan's shoes found at wife Vijayalakshmi's house
First Published Jun 19, 2024, 11:04 AM IST

According to police reports, Darshan, along with a group of individuals, was allegedly involved in the brutal assault and killing of Renukaswamy in a shed located in Pattanagere. After the incident, Darshan reportedly returned to his home in Rajarajeshwari Nagar, where he changed his clothes and shoes before leaving for Mysore. During a search of his residence, the police were able to seize the clothes worn by Darshan on the day of the murder, but the shoes were initially missing.

A thorough interrogation of the accused revealed that a house worker had transported Darshan's shoes to Vijayalakshmi's house in Hoskerehalli. Acting on this information, the police visited Vijayalakshmi's residence and confiscated the crucial piece of evidence. This development has intensified the investigation into high-profile individuals' involvement in the case.

In a related incident, accused Pavitra Gowda experienced a health scare during her interrogation at the Annapurneswarinagar police station. The police immediately took Pavitra Gowda to a government hospital on Tuesday after she fell ill due to low glucose levels. The medical staff administered IV fluids, and once her condition stabilized, they returned her to the police station to continue the interrogation.

Police officials emphasised that regular health checks are a standard procedure for all accused individuals. Pavitra Gowda's health has now improved, and she continues to be involved in the ongoing investigation.

As the investigation into the Renukaswamy murder case continues, the police remain dedicated to uncovering the truth and holding those responsible accountable. With more details expected to emerge in the coming days, the case promises to shed light on the intricate web of events surrounding the tragic incident.

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