Guess, which countries did not make it into Trump's Muslim ban list

By Johnlee AbrahamFirst Published Jan 30, 2017, 1:34 PM IST
  • President Trump has put a ban on nationals from seven countries.
  • Interestingly, Saudi Arabia is not on the list.
  • The controversial executive order signed on Friday halted the entire US refugee programme.


American President Donald Trump spent his first week in office unveiling one executive order after the other - spreading "chaos" not just in the United States, but the effects of it reverberated across the globe.

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Booed by most his alleged Muslim travel ban has found support from another waller, . However, the question here is did Trump keep his business interest in mind, before so 'selectively' imposing the ban? Why is Saudi Arabia - that gave the world Osama Bin Laden not on the list?


The most recent travel ban on immigration now bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days and suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days.




The controversial executive order signed on Friday halted the entire US refugee programme, indefinitely banned Syrian refugees; and suspended all nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Somalia.


"The reason we chose those seven countries was, those were the seven countries that both the Congress and the Obama administration identified as being the seven countries that were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country," the White House later said.

Interestingly, the list of countries "most identifiable with dangerous terrorism" does not include Saudi Arabia. The fact that 15 of the 9/11 attackers came from Saudi Arabia, has had little, to no effect on Trump's decision.


ALSO READ: Pakistan too may figure soon on Trump's ban list


The Trump administration that claims to be protecting "American lives" has clearly ignored the fact that nationals from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt have killed nearly 3,000 Americans — with most of those killed being victims of the 9/11 attacks. But people from these three countries are still welcome to apply for US visas and travel permits.


Conspicuously, the executive order only bans countries, where the Trump has "nil" business interest. Countries like Turkey that have been used several of the Islamic State radicals and its supporters as safe haven, does not figure on the list. Neither is Turkey, UAE or Saudi Arabia. And in all these countries, Trump holds major business stakes. 

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