US House votes to oust Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs committee following controversial Somalia first remark

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Feb 12, 2024, 6:34 PM IST

The US House received a resolution to remove Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee after her controversial remarks about Somalia first. This decision emphasizes the importance of maintaining allegiance to the US while being in the Foreign Affairs Committee.

A resolution has been brought to the US House of Representatives for removing Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs committee. This comes after her “I am Somalian first” remark which shook the Americans. In a Minnesota hotel, she delivered a speech in sympathy to the Somalians.

He confirmed her allegiance to Somalia first and vowed to protect the interests of Somalia and Somalians within the US system. The Democrat representative made the remarks despite being an American. Post the incident many have called for her removal from the esteemed Foreign Affairs Committee of the US.

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Ilhan Omar in Minnesota said, “The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the US tell them to do! They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia. We Somalians must have confidence in ourselves that we call for the shots in the US.

We live in the US, pay taxes in the US, and have a real voice. Sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the US system.” This is not the first time that the Representative from Minnesota has been in the middle of a controversy.

Her anti-Semitic comments against Israel went viral after the war broke out in Gaza against Hamas. Ilhan Omar also touched on the Kashmir issue targeting India. She traveled to the Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POK) region in 2022 further showcasing her allegiance to the Islamic world rather than the allies of the US.

The recent Somalia remarks have sparked a debate over the allegiance of Ilhan Omar to the US. Some believe despite running away from Somalia in 1991 after the breaking out of civil war, she still has her heart set on Mogadishu. Calls for revocation of her Congress seat and citizenship have also grown significantly.

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