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Son of Vladimir Putin ally found dead at 35 under mysterious circumstances, foul play suspected

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Feb 20, 2024, 7:37 PM IST

In a shocking turn of events, the 35-year-old son of a close ally to Vladimir Putin was discovered dead under mysterious circumstances, leaving investigators and the public grappling for answers. Such instances have increased in Russia after the Ukraine invasion in 2022.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's ally Igor Sechin lost his son Ivan Sechin under mysterious circumstances. The death of the 35-year-old is said to have occurred during the first week of February. Russia has been witnessing multiple deaths in mysterious circumstances for a couple of years.

Igor Sechin has been one of the staunch allies of Vladimir Putin and also supported the Ukraine invasion in 2022. The CEO of Russian state-owned oil firm Rosneft reached fortunes after Putin's support. However, his 35-year-old son's sudden death comes as a major shock to not only the Kremlin but also other Russian oligarchs.

The news of the death wasn't made public and it still remains that way as no official statement has been released by the Rosneft CEO. It was the exiled Leonid Nevzlin who brought the news to light through the National Register of Inheritance cases. The Russian oligarch shared his findings on Facebook (now Meta).

He said, “Today when we recalled with my friends and partners why started the Kremlin war against Yukos, namely Mikhail Khodorkovsky's report on corruption at the RPP meeting, it was today that I learned that Igor Sechin had just lost his son. The very same man who fabricated every blatant and bloody case against us. And still.

Probably hard to believe but my heart goes out to a father who lost his child. How I sympathize with Alexei Navalny's mother. How I sympathized in recent years to Bory Nemtsov's mother, who left us this month. My condolences to the Sechiny family, who are forced to hide their grief.”

Independent Russian media outlets have shed more light on the incident. Ivan Sechin reportedly felt uncomfortable around 4:30 AM on February 5 and fell on his bed unconsciously. Those around him tried to revive him from the state of unconsciousness. However, by the time the ambulance arrived for further treatment, Ivan Sechin was dead. The reason given behind his death is a detached blood clot.

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