Miraculous surgery: Doctors reattach boy's head after car accident in Israel

By Team NewsableFirst Published Jul 14, 2023, 5:59 PM IST

In a miraculous surgery, doctors in Israel successfully reattach a 12-year-old boy's head to his neck after a severe car accident, leading to a remarkable recovery.

Doctors in Israel have performed a remarkable and complex surgery on a 12-year-old boy who suffered a severe car accident while riding his bicycle. The surgeons successfully reattached his head to his neck, a procedure described as a "miracle" by The Times of Israel. The boy, Suleiman Hassan, experienced an "internal decapitation" or bilateral atlanto occipital joint dislocation, where his skull became detached from the top vertebrae of his spine. He was swiftly transported to Hadassah Medical Center for emergency surgery, with his head nearly completely separated from the base of his neck.

Dr. Ohad Einav, the orthopedic surgeon leading the treatment, shared that the operation involved several hours and the use of new plates and fixations in the damaged area. The medical team's knowledge and innovative technology in the operating room were crucial in saving the child's life. Despite the odds, the surgeons consider the boy's recovery to be a miraculous outcome as he only had a 50 percent chance of survival.

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While the surgery took place the previous month, the doctors did not publicly disclose the results until July. The hospital recently discharged Hassan with a cervical splint, and his ongoing recovery will continue to be monitored by the medical staff.

"The fact that such a child has no neurological deficits or sensory or motor dysfunction and that he is functioning normally and walking without an aid after such a long process is no small thing," Dr Einav told the outlet.

The fact that he is functioning normally and walking without assistance after such a complex procedure is a remarkable achievement.

Dr. Einav further emphasized that this highly rare surgery requires specialized doctors, particularly considering the larger size of a child's head compared to an adult's, which makes them more vulnerable. He underscored the rarity of this procedure, especially when performed on children and teenagers, noting that it demands extensive knowledge and experience from the surgeon.

Throughout the entire ordeal, the boy's father never left his side. He expressed gratitude to the hospital staff for saving his only son's life and acknowledged the professionalism, technology, and swift decision-making of the trauma and orthopedics team. His heartfelt thanks were conveyed to the medical staff for their exceptional care and dedication.

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